So my mom and my aunt Sue decided that they were going to throw a baby shower for Jessica up in NH. (6 hours away from me for those who are counting). This instantly made me nervous, because they both tend to over-analyze and stress out about these sorts of things. I volunteer to help, and 2 weeks later I am at work having a nice little conference call chat with these two. I am on speakerphone and I dont like it one bit, they keep yelling too loud and then laughing at eachother. I throw out a few ideas, and they run with it. I start to get way too excited about this shower, I begin scowering the web daily for new ideas and realize that I am slightly addicted to any type of party planning. I really really want to open my own event planning company with my friend out in CA. I digress. my apologies. So, said mother and aunt go nutty over the shower ideas and a week later they are calling me with glasses of wine in hand to tell me how wonderfully the "pacifier favors" are coming out. (note to mother and aunt: when proud of pacifier favor accomplishment, it makes sense to actually take a picture of these, so that I can show on my blog). They are giddy and they read back to me their long lists of what they are going to make for the shower. They tell me how they are taking half days at work on the Friday before the shower, you know, just to make sure everything gets done. I get more nervous, because although I am not actually attending this shower, I realize they are, in fact, over anazlying every little thing. I pray for good weather so everyone can make it, and for my poor father who has to deal with these ladies while they do "baby shower prep."
Anyway, no reason to make this story longer than it should be...the shower goes off without a hitch. My gorgeous (and getting larger by the day) pregnant cousin loves every second of the purple/pink/green shower and I beam from the inside with pride for these two NH party planners, like a mother who drops her kid off at preschool for the first day only to learn later that he ate play-do. It only takes 4 days to actually get photos from this amazing shower (the email wires from NH to NJ apparently cross somewhere over Alaska) and I am stunned. The shower decor looks amazing. I tell my mother that they should start a catering and party planning business. She nicely declines the offer.
a few pics from the shower...

Such an awesome post! Loved the shower and heard all about the conference calls :-) And Kate had your back, she came over early to make sure they didn't have nervous breakdowns or drink too much wine before he shower!! Love you Lauren and all the help you put forth xoxo the pregnant cousin :-)